Exercises on deployment

Exercise 1 - Device information containerized and deployed

Go back to Exercise 3 - Device information from Exercises part 1 in Development Basics and deploy it to Okteto Cloud by making a:

  • GitHub repository
  • requirements.txt
  • Dockerfile
  • GitHub Actions pipeline file

At that point you should be able to have the API as a Docker container on your Docker Hub account.

From then on you can create a docker-compose.yml file in the same repository and host the container on Okteto Cloud.

If you hadn't completed the exercise yet, this should be the contents of the .py-file:

from fastapi import FastAPI
import platform, psutil
import datetime

app = FastAPI()

async def get_platform():
    return {'platform': platform.system(), 'datetime': datetime.datetime.now()}

async def get_platform_release(show_version: bool):
        return {'platform': platform.system(), 'release': platform.release(), 'version': platform.version(), 'datetime': datetime.datetime.now()}
    return {'platform': platform.system(), 'release': platform.release(), 'datetime': datetime.datetime.now()}

async def get_processor():
    return {'processor': platform.processor(), 'datetime': datetime.datetime.now()}

async def get_all_interfaces():
    interfaces = []

    # get all network interfaces (virtual and physical)
    interface_addresses = psutil.net_if_addrs()
    for interface_name in interface_addresses:
        for address in interface_addresses[interface_name]:
            if str(address.family) == 'AddressFamily.AF_INET':  # only IP addresses
                interface = {}
                interface["interface"] = interface_name
                interface["IP address"] = address.address
                interface["netmask"] = address.netmask

    return {'interfaces': interfaces, 'datetime': datetime.datetime.now()}

async def get_interface_by_index(index: int):
    interfaces = []

    # get all network interfaces (virtual and physical)
    interface_addresses = psutil.net_if_addrs()
    for interface_name in interface_addresses:
        for address in interface_addresses[interface_name]:
            if str(address.family) == 'AddressFamily.AF_INET':  # only IP addresses
                interface = {}
                interface["interface"] = interface_name
                interface["IP address"] = address.address
                interface["netmask"] = address.netmask

    if(index < 0 or index > len(interfaces)-1):
        return {"error": "invalid index"}

    return interfaces[index]

Try using the endpoints of the API to discover some information about the Okteto Cloud environment! 👀

Exercise 2 - Deploying an API container & a database

You will be deploying the following architecture to Okteto Cloud:

Deployment ex

Two containers are involved here. Please check out the Docker Hub pages for more information on environment variables:

Create a new GitHub repository to host your docker-compose.yml file. Try and find out through which variable you will be connecting the containers together.

To test your deployment out do the following:

  1. Perform a POST request to /books/ with the body:
    "title" : "The Great Gatsby",
    "isbn" : "ISBN1"
  1. Perform a GET request to /books/{ISBN} with {ISBN} being ISBN1

Exercise 3 - Deploying an API container & a No-SQL database

You will be deploying the following architecture to Okteto Cloud:

Deployment ex

Two containers are involved here. Please check out the Docker Hub pages for more information on environment variables:

Create a new GitHub repository to host your docker-compose.yml file or add to the previous one.

To test your deployment out do the following:

  1. Perform a POST request to /reviews/ with the body:
    "userId" : 5,
    "isbn" : "ISBN1",
    "scoreNumber" : 4
  1. Perform a GET request to /reviews/user/{userId} with {userid} being 5

Exercise 4 - Deploying a full Microservice architecture

You will be deploying the following architecture to Okteto Cloud:

Deployment ex

Five containers are involved here. Please check out the Docker Hub pages for more information on environment variables:

Create a new GitHub repository to host your docker-compose.yml file or add to the previous one.

To test your deployment out do the following:

  1. Perform a POST request to /books/ of book-info-service-ex endpoint with the body:
    "title" : "The Great Gatsby",
    "isbn" : "ISBN1"
  1. Perform a POST request to /reviews/ of the review-service-ex endpoint with the body:
    "userId" : 5,
    "isbn" : "ISBN1",
    "scoreNumber" : 4
  1. Perform a GET request to rankings/user/{userId} with {userid} being 5
Last update: 10/27/2022, 1:52:20 PM